Monday 11 June 2018

Jaguar C-X75 Hybrid Supercar

Following the highly successful introduction of the C-X75 supercar to the media for test evaluationin June 2013, Jaguar is releasing a behind-the-scenes film of the car’s development: C-X75 — Ahybrid supercar prototype without equal. The film features contributions from the car’s lead programme engineers and reveals the challengesovercome in developing a vehicle with a 220mph top speed but that is also capable of producingless than 89g of CO2 per kilometre and can even run with zero emissions for up to 60km. When Jaguar unveiled the C-X75 concept in 2010, it was the beginning of a new chapterin innovation and technological advancement that would see the car evolve from a design study to a fully working prototype in just two years.

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