Sunday, 10 June 2018

The Best and Worst First Cars to Buy

rev up your engines, now buying a first car can be a scary situation, there’s allkinds of different cars out there, there’s all kinds of people selling themso I’m going to give you some advice on how to do it the smart way, now I know a lot ofyoung people think, oh I want to get a sports car for my first car, well a lotof times that’s not such a smart thing to do, especially if you got a littleamount of money, buying a used sports car can be a big mistake, as guys tend tobeat them, you get a used one, they often have a lot of problems and it’s going tocost you a fortune to fix, now if you have money and you’re talking aboutbuying a brand-new sports car, I’ve had plenty of customers buy FordMustangs brand-new and take care of them and be happy with them, but buying a usedsports car, that’s often a big gamble, if you’re going to do it, pay a guy like me tocheck it out first, he’ll tell you whether it’s a decent deal or notover the years I’ve had guys say, hey I can get this used BMW for a really goodprice I think I’ll buy it is my first carthose things are endless money pits, they’re cheap because they have all kindsof problems that cost a fortune to fix, you want to stay away from cars likethat, instead you might think of sporty cars, okay this is my old Toyota Celicanot really a sports car, it’s a sporty car, the thing is based on a ToyotaCorolla platform, and yeah that’s a really old car now, but the scions thatToyota made for years, hey there were sporty cars too and there’s plenty ofthem out there that can last you a long time, and here’s a big tip, when you’rebuying a first car, don’t just go out and get one that’s got all the bells andwhistles, because all that stuff generally is going to break down especiallybuying a used vehicle, things like four-wheel drive or all-wheel drivethose cars get older those things break, they can cost a fortune to fix, so myadvice for the first car is, go simpler, just get a front-wheel drive car or arear-wheel drive car, don’t go and buy all this fancy stuff that can break downand end up that you regret your decision, so the first thing you have to thinkabout when you want to buy a first car is, how are you going to drive it, how many milesyou’re going to put on it, what’s it going to be used for, now ifyou’re going to buy a first car, I don’t advise going to the big car dealershipsbecause they generally charge way too much for the cars, but you can use themto your advantage, because if you’re not sure what type of car you want to driveyou can test them all out there, I told customers, hey you might not likethis car they’ll ride that well even though you think you like the way itlooks, go to a used car lot, try them out see if you like the way they ride, youmight say, oh that thing really rides horrible, I’m not going to buy it or you might likeit, and here’s a tip for people who just say theyhave to have an SUV as a first car, realize that SUVs specially in the UnitedStates, are very popular so their prices are sky high even used, you can get amuch better deal say on a Toyota Camry sedan, then you’re going to get on anyToyota or Lexus SUV, do a little bit of research, it’s your first car you neverhad one, check out the resale value and repairhistories online, if you find that a car has a really horrible resale valuethere’s generally a very good reason, sometimes it’s better to buy an olderreliable car, than it is a newer one that’s a known problemI mean if you find a Toyota Corolla that was 15 years old and had 140,000miles, it might way outlast any Chrysler product, even if it’s only ten years oldand has sixty or seventy thousand miles, and here’s my last tip, never ever buy thefirst model of anything for your first car, if you’re buying a new carbuy one model that’s been out for a while, don’t get one that has this brandnew type of engine or brand new type of transmission, because many times theymake mistakes on them, I’ve had customers buy these Mazdas with the SKYACTIVtechnology, only to find that the variable valve systems were breakingdown in them and cost thousands and thousands of dollars to fix, becausethere’s a great deal of difference between buying the latest greatest phonetechnology for maybe seven or eight hundred bucks, and forking out a ton ofmoney for a car that’s got new unproven technology, and if you’re thinking aboutgetting a hybrid as a first car, realize that buying those things used is a realgamble, unless you’re buying a brand new one and you’vegot money to burn, they can last for quite some time before they haveproblems, I got many customers with them that they got well over a hundredthousand miles out of them before anything serious went wrong, just realizethat they cost a lot more and really you never recoup the money difference in gasmileage versus what you paid for the car, versus the depreciation of the carbelieve me, and say you’re just looking for a regular car, I know people are going tothink I’m crazy because they hear me say how I can’t stand Volkswagens, but in Europelots of people drive Volkswagens, I talked to a guy in Romania and he saidScotty we can’t get parts for Toyota’s here, but there’s parts for Volkswagens allover the place and lots of people buy Volkswagens and drive them, so if you’rein Romania, hey your first car might be a good deal to buy a Volkswagen, so nowyou’ve learned a bit about buying your first car, and just remember it’s yourfirst car, it’s not the only car you’re going to have, you just want to make surethat your first car isn’t a very bad decision, so if you never want to missanother one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

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