Sunday, 10 June 2018

Why Luxury Cars are Expensive to Fix

one, two, three, four!Rev up your engines!It’s time for the Scotty Kilmer Channeltoday I’m going to explain why luxury cars often cost so much money to repair,now luxury cars may be fun to drive, and be really nice inside, with fancy woodtrim, and comfy leather seats, but you have to realize one thing about luxurycars, they are expensive to repair, as an example, I’m going to change the front shockon this Lexus, right here, simple enough you might think, here’s theshock that goes inside the spring, but guess what, I tried and tried, but no onemakes this part other than Lexus, they didn’t make and sell that many gx4seventies, so there’s no company that makes a replacement, other than thedealer, so I had to pay almost $300 for one shock, and to me that’s reallyshocking, because this shock absorber cost more than I paid for this entirecar two years ago, and sure I bought the car used, but hey, I’d rather have a wholecar for $300, versus one shock absorber, and if you think that’s bad, the backshock absorbers on these aren’t air suspension, they cost almost six hundredand forty dollars apiece, because whenever there’s not an aftermarket forparts, you’re at the whim of the dealer, they can charge whatever they want forthe part, and they often do, now after I bought the Celica, I did put struts inthe front of it, but hey, they only cost me $65 a piece, because it’s a Toyota, andthere’s a big aftermarket, because when millions of cars are sold, companies willmake lots of spare parts for them, because there’s a market, so if you buy ahigh-dollar luxury vehicle, and they don’t make that many of them, and don’tsell that many of them, you’re not going to find any good aftermarket parts for them,and to take it even further, let’s say you own an Aston Martin like this,it just had a clutch put in it, and it cost over $9,000 to do the job,so don’t even think about rolls-royce, now over the years, I’ve had manycustomers buy used luxury vehicles, only to become really sad when they find outhow much money it cost to fix them, so if you’re thinking of being one of thosepeople, perhaps you might think again about buying a luxury car, and rememberif you’ve got any car questions just visit scotty kilmer. com and i’ll answerthem as soon as I get back from this ride.

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