Thursday 2 August 2018

Geely Chair Daimler’s Biggest Solo Shareholder ..Automotive News TV/CAR NEWS / Auto News

cashing in on your car’s data welcome in on this Friday ed garsten in Fatah warBeck that story in just a moment but first here’s what else is making newsLea shufoo the chairman and main owner of Chinese car maker G Lee has amassed astake of nine point six nine percent in Daimler AG the German company disclosingthe stake today it’s worth nearly nine billion dollars at the automakerscurrent stock price making Li Daimler’s biggest single shareholder G Lee ownsVolvo and last year it acquired a forty nine point nine percent stake inMalaysian automaker proton in addition last December G Lee spent 3. 9 billiondollars to become the biggest shareholder of Volvo a be the world’ssecond largest truck maker last year G Lee also won control of British sportscar maker Lotus meantime two Democratic US senators are urging Attorney GeneralJeff Sessions to thoroughly investigate Daimler according to a letter seen byReuters the request follows a German media report alleging the automaker usedpotentially illegal software to pass diesel emissions tests senators EdwardMarkey and Richard Blumenthal say recent reports quote raise serious questions asto whether Daimler AG deceived federal regulators and US consumers andendangered public health Daimler says it is fully cooperated with US authoritiesfor more than two years and has provided comprehensive transparency Volkswagen AGissuing a cautiously optimistic forecast today the German automaker says itexpects new models to boost earnings this year and to help the company slowlymove past the diesel emissions cheating crisis it’s projecting a return on salesof between six point five and seven point five percent for 2018 this afterreaching seven point four percent last year revenues are projected to rise asmuch as five percent for 2017 VW reporting a near doubling of fullyoperating profits to seventeen billion dollars well it’s no secretautomakers can retrieve all sorts of data from our vehicles and the new studyfrom business consultants Frost & Sullivan predicts the auto industrycould haul in as much as thirty three billion dollars by 2025 how a one-wayaccording to Bloomberg is within about three years drivers may have to put upwith popup ads on their infotainment screens based on their preferences andbehaviors in exchange for services you want to be able to have GPS navigationthe car may be at the mass-market car not very expensive they’ll give youthese fancy features in exchange for you being willing to look at the ads thedata automakers collect could also reveal just what kind of driver isbehind the wheel how do you drive do you speed you slam on the brakes a lot theycould also look at how your car is performing for having engine troublethey want to know that right away so they can try to figure out what theproblem is Don Butler Ford’s executive director for connected vehicles andservices told Bloomberg the idea is to improve ties between the automaker andits customers not to mention a whole new lucrative revenue stream in product newsBuick is freshening the 2019 and vision the idea is to better align the compactcrossover with the brand’s other models most notably the best-selling encorehere’s the current envision on the right and the 2019 model both the front andrear have been changed for 2019 upfront the 2019 model sports Buicks signaturewaterfall grille with a winged Buick emblem and available LED headlights mostof the sheetmetal changes however are in the rear of the vehicle it’s moresculpted and features less rounded elements compared with the outgoingmodel with redesigned taillights and rectangular shape dual exhausts the 2019model is due in showrooms in April and Mitsubishi taking its first shipment of2018 Eclipse crosses at a port in California the crossovers will bedistributed to dealers nationwide sales are slated to begin early next monthwell finally today want a pony to call your own especiallyif you own the original pony carFord’s creative stable has come up with a way fromMustang enthusiasts to create a horse of any color or design they choose it’sthrough the personalized your pony experience on facebook at facebook. comslash Ford Mustang you can use your personal design to order prints clothingeven a limited edition grill badge for late model Mustangs it’s all pretty coolhere’s what mine would look like and with that it’s time for us to get e appthanks for joining us we’ll see you on Monday

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