Friday 31 August 2018

GM Lays Groundwork for Robotaxis In San Francisco !! Automotive News TV/CAR NEWS / Auto News

thanks for joining us on this Tuesday morning I’m Jennifer Wong coming upFord’s hunt for old parts but we’ll begin with headlines first up GeneralMotors the automaker is said to have created its own ride hailing platformand quietly built one of the largest charging stations in the US all this inan effort to get its crews self-driving car unit ready to enter the Robo taxibusiness next year sources tell Bloomberg that Cruise has installed 18fast chargers in a parking facility near San Francisco’s Embarcadero that’s thewell trafficked Boulevard along the city’s eastern shoreline where uber andlyft have busy drivers and where GM’s self-driving car unit has been testingits crews anywhere ride hailing app and fleet management system GM has longplanned to start a ride-hailing business using self-driving cars by 2019 howeverit hasn’t said where the service would start or whether it will work with apartner over the weekend Tesla met its goal of producing morethan 5,000 model threes in a week prompting CEO Elon Musk to declare thatTesla had just become a quote real car company well as bloomberg reports evenreal car companies need a breather now and then sources say that after workingaround the clock for weeks on end Tesla is pausing some model 3 production atits Fremont California Factory this week the break will let the company and dobasic upkeep and maintenance most employees will be back to work Thursdaymeantime Reuters is offering a look at how the electric car maker met itsproduction goal workers describe mandatory weekend shifts a tense andshort-tempered musk barking and engineers on the assembly line and Teslapulling workers from other departments to keep pumping out cars one other Teslanote Doug field senior vice president of engineering is stepping down after fiveyears reports emerged in May that the formerApple executive was taking a break from Tesla this is the latest in a string ofexecutive departures at the automaker Ron stack Volkswagen of America’s formersenior vice president of sales has landed at Mitsubishi stack left VW inJanuary after heading US sales for the VW brand for nearly two years MitsubishiMotors North America has named stack vice president of after sales thisfollowing mark Chaffins recent promotion to chief operating officer the companyalso naming veteran IT executive Natalie Milton vice president and chiefinformation officer in other news Frances Renault has launched a mandatoryoffer to buy out the remaining shareholders in Russian automaker AutoVaughan’s ride-hailing company lyft is buying bike share operator motivateparent company of Ford go bike and city bike lift trying to fend off competitionafter ubers April purchase of jump bikes and automakers are rolling out their USsales results for June today stay with our website for continuous coverage itall started with somebody returning a long-lost clock that once adornedDetroit’s old Michigan central train station now that Ford has acquired thelong festering building and announced plans to turn it into office spacerestaurants and residences people are calling the company about returningother items for its spokeswoman Don Booker tells us the company has receivedcalls about returning decorative tiles ticket stubs and even an elevatortransom Booker says lighting fixtures are what’s needed the most but Fordwould also appreciate any ticket window grilles the interior clock and manyother historic hardware used in the station finally you may not have thisguy to kick around with much longer published reports saydoes stopping development work on ASIMO it’s humanoid robot ASIMO has served asa research tool and PR ambassador for Honda since 2000 he can dance delivercoffee take the stairs even ring the bell at the New York Stock Exchangeaccording to one report out of Japan Honda is planning another two-leggedsuccessor to ASIMO and the automaker saying in a statement technologies thatwent into ASIMO are being adopted for use in Honda’s mass production productswill be off tomorrow for the 4th of July holiday here in the US but we’ll see youback here Thursday morning take care

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