Wednesday 1 August 2018

Tesla Hits Critical Model 3 Production Goal … Automotive News TV/CAR NEWS / Auto News

welcome to this Monday July 2nd edition of first shift coming up the HyundaiVeloster ‘s starring rolled but we’ll begin with your top news stories Teslahas reached a milestone critical to CEO Elon Musk’s goal to bring electric carsto the masses the electric carmaker building more than 5,000 of its model 3sedans in the last week of the second quarter in an internal email Sundayobtained by Bloomberg News musk declares we did it and says Tesla quote justbecame a real car company Tesla’s achievement prompting some good-naturedribbing from a Ford executive musk took to Twitter to show some love for hisTesla team tweeting 7,000 cars 7 days that prompted this from StephenArmstrong CEO of Ford of Europe Armstrong tweeting 7,000 cars circa forhours last week another Ford executive took a jab at Tesla on Twitter this timepoking fun at Tesla for setting up a makeshift production line in a tentoutside its California factory the Twitter TIFF coming after musk said inan interview that Ford quote looks like a morgue to trade news now the EuropeanUnion warning the United States that imposing import tariffs on cars and carparts would harm its own automotive industry and likely lead tocountermeasures by trading partners on 294 billion dollars of US exports in a10 page submission to the US Commerce Department sent last Friday the EU saystariffs on cars and car parts are unjustifiable and do not make economicsense u. s. president Donald Trump has ordered an investigation into other autoimports pose national security risks the administration is said to be consideringAuto tariffs as much as 25 percent auto companies and suppliers are urging theUS to impose the tariffs among thosespeaking out General Motors the nation’s largestautomaker warning that increased import tariffs could lead to a smaller GM WhiteHouse trade advisor Peter Navarro shot back at the automaker Saturday in aninterview on CNN Navarro saying the auto company was using quote smoke andmirrors to deceive the public he said the impact of tariffs on theprice of a GM car was equivalent to a luxury floor mat hyundai meantime saystariffs would jeopardize its plans to expand manufacturing in the US thecompany even arguing that the duties would weaken South Korea’s economy andhurt a security alliance between South Korea and the u. s. / North Korea’snuclear ambitions also in the news Nissan has canceled a potentialbillion-dollar sale of its electric car battery unit to China’s GSR capitalNissan says the investment firm lacked the funds to make the purchase andVolkswagen AG CEO her Birdy’s tells a German newspaper the arrests of Audi CEORupert’s toddler was a massive shock and hard to comprehend VW suspended stylerafter German authorities arrested him as part of an emissions probe asked whetherhe could imagine stodla returning he said it would depend on what factsemerge Dees adding should the accusations of the state prosecutorsprove to be true then it’s a clear decision from the Audi r8 in the filmIronmansuperhero movie fans are used to seeing luxury car brands dominate the screenbut Hyundai will get its moment in the spotlight when the Marvel film ant-manand the wasp hits theaters this Friday this car has to be cool and it has to bememorable it’s our Vince Vaughn reports theVeloster which just went on sale gets a starring role in a chase scene two othermodels get cameos the new kona subcompact crossover that went on saleto spring and the redesigned at 2019 Santa Fe midsize crossover due thissummer Vince says the ant-man alignment matchesup with a larger strategy to build Hyundai’s brand image on high-profileplatforms such as the Marvel properties and the National Football League andthis is a crucial year for the brand it’s fine-tuning its product portfolioto satisfy consumers hunger for utility vehiclesHyundai Motor America’s Us sales fell 7% through May now wraps up today’snewscast we’ll catch you back here tomorrow morningyou

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