Friday 31 August 2018

New push to clear the air in Europe .. Automotive News TV/car news

thanks for joining us on this Friday morningcoming up driverless benefits for the blind but first your headlines severaldevelopments on the diesel front first luxury brand OD has launched a recallfor up to 850,000 diesel fuel cars in EuropeHowdy’s thing today that it plans to update emissions control software thisin a bid to avoid potential driving bans how D says the service is also beingoffered to Porsche and Volkswagen branded cars using the same six andeight cylinder engines earlier this week Daimler announced similar plans to cutdiesel pollution including investing 255 million dollars to update more than 3million mercedes-benz diesel cars in Europe according to Reuters autoindustry officials and politicians in Germany have agreed on a two point threebillion dollar plan to prevent diesel bans by cleaning up vehicles throughsoftware updates meantime the European Commission is set to be examiningwhether German automakers colluded in systems they use to clean exhaustemissions the German business newspaper handles blond says the collusion probewas triggered by an Audi presentation that was seized in raids at VW howdy isa division of Volkswagen Group spokesman for the EU Volkswagen and Audi alldeclining to comment and in the u. s. Volkswagen will pay the state ofCalifornia an additional one hundred fifty four million dollars in penaltiesstemming from the automakers emission scandal the California Air ResourcesBoard announcing that it had filed a consent decree requiring the additionalpayment as The Associated Press reports this takes VW’s total settlement inCalifornia to 1. 3 billion dollars Ford is shaking up his design team to shortenproduct development cycles and better define the group’s overarching stressgee among the changes Joel pious Kowski director of Ford of Europe design comesto the US as global director of design overseeing cars and crossovers ChrisVenson design director of the Americas has been named global director of designoverseeing trucks suvs and commercial vehicles david Woodhouse director ofLincoln design takes on the additional role of director of global strategicdesign an uncle lienard’s who will replace pius Kowski as director of fordof europe design for more on the changes see oughtta news. comfinally a gala night in Detroit Thursday as the automotive Hall of Fame inductedits latest numbers among those enshrine in this year’s class former GeneralMotors design chief Ed Welburn Jack Roush the CEO of Roush Fenway Racing andchairman of Roush Enterprises in Alberto Bamba say President of breaking giantBrembo the hall also inducting the late August FRU Hoff inventor of thesemi-trailer and founder of the fru-u– Hoff trailer company his granddaughterRuth accepting on his behalfself-driving cars had the potential to transform mobility for the elderly andpeople with disabilities that’s why advocates for the blind for example havejoined automakers and tech companies in lobbying Congress to help spur therollout of driverless cars the intention of this legislation is to increaseself-driving vehicle testing on US highways a US House panel on Wednesdayapproved their first legislation on autonomous vehicles and advocates forthe blind have a special set of concerns as bloomberg reports the advocates wantaccessibility incorporated into car design and states to steer clear of lawsthat would prohibit the blind from one day sitting in the driver’s seat onechallenge today is that policy makers and companies working on fullyautonomous cars assume riders see the road aheadcase in point some states including New York already have laws that requireoperators of automated vehicles to have a driver’s license which requires avision test time companies including Google’s way Moe unit and GM are gettinginput from the blind as they develop robot cars the vehicles though stillmany years away from being widely availableremember your industry news update is available 24/7 atnews. com enjoy your weekend we’ll see you right back here Monday morning

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