Saturday 1 September 2018

Musk Labels Rescue Diver a Pedophile in Twitter Rant —- Automotive News TV/CAR NEWS / Auto News

welcome to a Monday edition of first shift hope you enjoyed your weekend 60years of Motorsports in car culture will explain just after your morningheadlines I’m not going to make any further comment about him but I thinkpeople realize what sort of guy is that’s British diver Verne Unsworthspeaking in an Australian television interview he was responding to anow-deleted tweet by Tesla CEO Elon Musk that belittled the cave Explorer as apedophile would you consider taking legal action against him yes it’s notfinished mosque posting the tweet after Unsworth criticized musk effort to helpin the rescue of a Thai soccer team as a publicity stunt as we’ve reported muskhad offered a quote kid-sized submarine to help rescue the boys and their coachafter they became trapped in a cave in northern Thailanda Thai official said the equipment built by musk rocket company SpaceX wasn’tpractical musk traveled to the site but the team was rescued by Thai divers withaid from an international group of volunteers Hans worth a volunteer whoplayed a key role in organising the rescue said in an interview Friday withCNN that the submarine was a PR stunt he also had this to say in sticky submarinewhere it hurts just had absolutely no chance of workingover the weekend musk fired back in a series of tweets without specificallynaming Unsworth he said he would make a video to prove that the mini-sub couldhave helped in the rescue adding quote sorry pedo guy you really did ask for itthe story comes our way from Bloomberg new this morningdealership software giant cdk global says it has agreed to acquire e lead onethe transaction has been unanimously approved by CDKs Board of Directorsatlanta-based elite1 provides customer relationshipmanagement sir and marketing products cdk global CEOBrian McDonald saying in a statement quote we determined that elite onescenterpiece CRM offering and fully integrated suite of layered applicationsfit well with our diversified product offerings Germany’s motor vehicleauthority has confirmed that it’s conducting a hearing into the emissionstechnology used in three Opel diesel models according to a German newspaperthe authority found reliable evidence that an exhaust gas treatment in somemodels shuts down during driving and finally I have great memories and andnot many sorrows the sorrows are being away from my kids missing the action butthe action I get well for just taking care of myself and enjoying the rest ofmy life ex Minnesota mega dealer Danny hackers kingdom came crashing down in2011 after he was sentenced to ten years in prison for receiving more than eightymillion dollars in loans by forging documents now at age 66 Danny hacker isout of prison I burned up a lot of years missing working too hard for for me tofill my own my own ego coming up this afternoon on Auto news now in anexclusive interview with automotive news reporter Larry Valiquette hackerdiscusses his tumultuous career life behind bars and his plan to ensure otherretailers don’t follow in his footstepstoday marks the 60th anniversary of Autoweek magazine a sibling publicationof automotive news its roots go back to 1958 when it was founded as competitionpress west Raynal editor of auto week who has been with the magazine since1989 says while much has changed in the industry the publication’s philosophyremains the same we’ve been a place where the reader can go and getperspective and insight into Motorsports and culture in cars and we would like tothink that that is been a recurring theme throughout our 60 years today’sanniversary issue highlights those three pillars as for the next 60 years Raynalsays Auto Week is putting a bigger focus on its growing audience of youngerreaders we have tilted the editorial effort a little bit to be more a littlebit more inclusive of them and so like we’re about to publish an issue that wedo every year called 13-under where every story is written and every photois shot by someone 30 or under and Raynal says he’d like to dispel the myththat Millennials aren’t interested in cars the notion that kids don’t likecars I think it is ps4 more from Auto weeks 60th anniversary issue you canvisit the website address on your screen thanks for joining us on first shiftwe’ll catch you back here at Tuesday morning

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