Sunday 16 September 2018

2018 BMW M4 Vs. 2018 Ford Mustang GT PP2 —

track-day there isn’t a car enthusiast on the planet that either hasn’t been toone or who doesn’t want to go to one and for good reason it’s a heck of a lot offun and one of the best cars to take to a track day might just be this one thisis the 2018 BMW m4 this one even has the competition package it has everythingyou could possibly need to go fast on the track and have a really good timedoing so it’s got a 444 horsepower twin turbocharged inline 6-cylinder engineyou’ve got 19-inch michelin super sport tires you’ve got a 7-speed dual-clutchautomatic transmission rear-wheel drive adjustable everything the thing goeszero to 60 in $87,000 and you thought to ourselves can you have as much fun in atrack day for a little bit less money well Ford answered our question theythink that’s this this is the 2018 Mustang GT with the Performance Pack -it has a lot of the same numbers as the BMW except for one it only costs 46,000dollars now we’ve decided to have our own track day here at Gingerman Racewayin Western Michigan to see how the two of these compare out there now despitethe price difference these two really aren’t as different as you might thinkthey both weigh about the same they both have a super powerful engine in the caseof the Mustang it’s a 460 horsepower naturally aspirated 5 liter v8 you’vegot a six-speed manual transmission and the tires on this thing are michelinsport cup 2 tires these are basically racing tires with a minimal groove youdon’t really want to drive them in the wet but here at the dry track it shouldbe a lot of funthe performance pack 2 really does change how the Mustang feels performancepack 1 is still decent I mean you’ve got the thicker rear stabilizer bars you gota different shock to you got a different tune to the mat your ID as well but theperformance pack to all of that gets amped up even more and it totallytransforms how the Mustang GT it is so much lighter than the last onenot in terms of an actual pounds but how the front end responds when you turninto a corner it is so much more direct it is so much more linear there’s a lotof feedback as well it’s progressive it’s really quite good it reminds me alot of the Camaro SS one le package which honestly the performance back towas designed to fight the grip from these tires is really quite fantasticyou’re rolling on Michelin Pilot Sport cup 2 cup tubes are basically racingtires they have a little bit of a groove to them but really accomplished sothere’s slicks and when you get them hot the width of these things really helpsthis Mustang stick to whatever track you’ve taken it onand listen to this noisethat is pure American glory friends it doesn’t sound any better than that wantto hear it again I want to hear it againabsolutely so plus this and the m4 have an electronic suspension the Mustang hasthe Magna ride dampers as a cult and it’s always adjusting things it’sreading the pavement it’s reading your inputs it’s reading where the wheels areand it’s always making changes so that it can optimize what the car is doingout on the street it really provides an excellent balance in terms of handlingand ride quality and here on the track you put the thing in track mode it firmsit up nicely but it’s never punishing even in the firmest mode it’s really nota penalty box at all it’s still very supple it’s still really well damped youdon’t have to basically go to the bathroom every time you get out of thething because it’s punched your kidneys for the last 10 miles it really is tunedbut eautifully one of the m4s biggest differences fromthe Mustang is the amount of adjustability and customization you havewith all of the settings in here steering feel transmission shift pointssuspension firmness all of it is variable in a number of different waysthere is no sport mode in the m4 you’ve got a bunch of different variables youcould program into your own custom sport mode there are a couple of buttons onthe steering wheel here m1 and m2 and you can set all of these things inwhatever combination you want and just turn them on with a push of a buttonthat’s kind of neat if you’re driving it to the track and you want it to becomfortable and once you get to the track pop one button turns it from astreet cruiser in to attract you the problem I have with the m4 is thatthere’s I think too much electronic wizardry happening between you and themachine itself it’s certainly fastspiritual connection that you get with the Mustang the kind of bond betweenperson and regime that I think is important when you’re doing a kind oftrack day event when you’re out driving for fun is that a driver fortransportation yes it definitely goes fast but it goesfast in a more clinical kind of way it’s a very different approach to speed thanwe see with the American Mustang this is really all about technical precisionless about the feel of it I think one of the strengths of the m4definitely these brakes these are carbon ceramic brakes they’re not cheap andnormally carbon ceramics aren’t one you really want to drive on the street theymake a lot of noise when they’re cold they don’t stop really well when they’recold I don’t notice any of those issues with these I mean the other over $8,000for the optional brakes but out here on the track around and around again andagain you stop on these finishes you get some heat on them they do not fade theydo not shutter the rotors are rock solid there’s no warping feel at all it isjust going fast stopping hard again and again and againwe enlisted the help of pro driver Holly Heiser from CGI motorsports Gingermanraceway is her home track she knows it maybe better than anybodyelse on the planet here’s what she thought about these cars for myself Iprefer the m4 over the yeah pp2 if the BMW to me like I really like that I lovethe noise that it makes I felt like the turn ins were a little bit crisper onthe BMW for me the way I was steering in and the way that it was responding Ifelt really really confident in that car seating position was good seats weregood seats were good in this one too I really liked the seats here but I thinkI could get up a little bit better and just where I was I felt more confidentyeah the suspension I thought was great it felt super planted everywhere I toldit to go it went so I really liked that car a lot how much do you think thedifference in the width of these tires makes because the BMWs er they’re widebut the Mustang is crazy well yeah crazy wide and I mean just looking at thetires themselves you know like we’ve got a huge difference what we were dealingwith here so you know that’s another thing that probably gave me moreconfidence going in because I didn’t have as much slide in the BMW as I didso I know tires are gonna give you a lot more grip but they’ve got to have thegrip on them to give us yeah so I mean it was a big difference between thatthis with fresh tires on it would have made a big difference I think but yeah Ijust I felt more comfortable in the BMW and I really thought that thetransmission was shifting and responding the acceleration was a lot like a lotmore it really was pulling out of those corners quick so so I mean that’s thequestion for you then is this $40,000 more fun than that is from the laps thatI took no no no a $40,000 more that’s a big guy yeah that’s a huge can I meanI’ve got $40,000 I’d rather you know buy the Mustang andput a little bit of money into it to even make it you know better for mydriving style so this comes into 46 grand yeah it is I think frankly I’mscreaming this thing it’s a definite bargain neither one of these is like inthe power I mean you’ve got you got a 460 horsepower v8 versus the 444horsepower straight-6 so coming out of corners I put your foot down if you’rein the right here there’s there’s no problem at all yeah it goes itdefinitely goes and in the BMW – and you really get out it knows what gear to bein and it goes really really well so I liked it both I prefer the exhaust noteon the m4 because I really like the way that it growls always I’m likened it toa tiger cub instead of an actual tiger yeah so it’s got a little bit more of atiger cub roar than an actual tiger but I like that it sounds fast and it is itpulls out but you can’t top the roar just bellows off the hills wouldn’tattract more there’s so much noise coming out of this but it’s kind ofappropriate for it I mean yeah it’s early doesn’t sound horribleyeah what I think is a little bit higher pitch that’s really that I object mostyou about the m4 it’s fast it’s fun to drive but there’s no there’s no spiritdoing you know it’s a it’s a go faster machine it’s a machine designed by theGermans to actually do one thing that is go faster you can go very fast in it butto me this goes fast and it has a lot of soul to it a lot of character to it aswell and the fact that you could buy almost two of them for the price of them4 this is I would I would give the nod to the Mustang in a sense yeah I think Iwould too just based on price alone actually because it’s still a great carbut that price difference is too big the Mustang was a full two seconds fasterthan the m4 around Jin German raceway thanks to its tires aerodynamics andretuned suspension but we wanted to see what its raw acceleration numbers wereat Great Lakes dragged away we got our answer discovering the 50 MWtransmission give it a slight advantage in the streamline streaking from Jewishfemale prowl in just four point one five seconds versus five point threewe totaled up all our scores we consulted our hired pro driver and atthe end of the day we discovered that the Mustang actually came out on top inthis challenge which just kind of goes to show us that you really don’t have tospend a huge amount of money to get a super capable brand-new track caralthough honestly it does help to spend a big amount of money if you’d like tosee how the two of these stacked up and more head-to-head challenges go visit usat cars calm

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