Thursday 20 September 2018

U S Mexico deal opens door to tariffs report –Automotive News TV/Car News/FORD

luxury redefined welcome to Wednesday’snewscast we’ll have more on that storyin just a little but first here aretoday’s headlines a proposed a us-mexicotrade deal would allow President DonaldTrump to slap punitive tariffs of up to25% on imports of Mexican made cars SUVsand auto parts above certain volumesthat’s what auto executives and othersources are telling Reuters the US andMexico agreed on Monday to overhaul theNorth American Free Trade Agreement buta previously unreported side agreementbetween the two countries would allowthe u. s. to pursue national securitytariffs on annual Mexican car and SUVimports of over 2. 4 million vehicles onthe same grounds this ideal would allowlevies on auto parts imports above avalue of 90 billion dollars per year inthe coming weeks the administrationplans to announce the results of a probeinto whether autos and part imports posea national security risk automakers areconcerned that the Mexico Agreementsignals the US will proceed with tariffsand likely use them to win concessionsfrom the European Union and Japanmeantime Canada’s foreign ministerChrystia Freeland has rejoined NAFTAtalks this bloomberg says comes as au. s. deadline looms this Friday to reacha deal to renew the pact as a threecountry agreement luxury car maker AstonMartin has taken preliminary stepstoward a public listing on the LondonStock Exchange by the end of the yearthough the automaker has not made afinal decision the company says it hasfiled a registration document withBritain’s financial conduct authoritywhich is a requirement for firmsconsidering an IPO here in the u. s. Chinese electric vehicle start-up neosays it expects to raise up to 1. 3 tobillion dollars in its initial publicofferingin a filing with the US Securities andExchange Commission neo says it expectsits offering of 160 million shares to bepriced between $6 25 cents a share and$8. 25 a share at the higher end of therange the company will have a valuationof about eight point four six billiondollarsIndia’s Mahindra and Mahindra is seekingan injunction against Fiat Chryslerautomobiles it’s trying to stop FCA fromproceeding with a patent violationcomplaint aimed at stopping Mahindrafrom exporting a jeep-like vehicle tothe US as we told you hear on thisprogramFiat Chrysler filed a complaint with theUS International Trade Commission onAugust 1st it wants to prevent Mahindrafrom importing the rocks or an off-roadvehicle that looks like a Jeep into theu. s. and some developments involving Chinafirst Reuters says Hyundai plans to shipChina made cars to Southeast Asia thisas a plunge in Chinese sales has leftmuch of Hyundai’s massive localmanufacturing capacity idled reuterssightsHyundai’s China joint venture and topeople familiar with the matter butToyota on the other hand is aiming totriple car production in China by assoon as 2030 in a renewed push to makeup lost ground in the world’s biggestauto market that according to sourcescited by Bluebird the lines are blurringbetween high-end mass-market vehiclesand luxury rides mainstream brandsincluding Ford & Kia are offering loadedupper trim levels that are inflatingprices and that’s putting themface-to-face with premium brands such asmercedes-benz which has moved downmarket in recent years check out some ofthese matchups the Honda CRV might notseem like a natural challenger to theBMW x1 but the CRV touring carries asticker price that’s only about eighteenhundred dollars less than that of acertain x1 model another example a Kiacadenza limited costs forty fivethousand five hundred ninety dollars forabout six hundred bucks more you can geta base Lincoln Continental premiereKelley Blue Book research found thatone-third of luxury intenders said theywould consider a none luxury vehicle ifit had the upscale features they wantedfinally ever feel like you’re beingwatched well you might be if you comeacross one of these Jaguar Land Roverhas fitted virtual eyes to theseself-driving pods which make eye contactwith pedestrians to let them know thecar is aware of them the company isstudying whether providing suchinformation about a vehicles intentionsis beneficial and improving people’strust intechnology the trials are being done inthe UK jlr teaming with or ago whichdesigned the pod and we thank you forwatching today’s newscast hope to seeyou again tomorrow morning take care

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