Wednesday 19 September 2018

Dealers Brace For Hurricane Florence – AUTOMOTIVE NEWS TV Chanel/CAR NEWS

hello and welcome to the newscast I’mJennifer Fong a printer maker turns tocar making as story in a moment butfirst your morning headlines dealershipsin the Carolinas and Beyond spentTuesday securing inventory and sendingemployees home the stores preparing toclose ahead of the arrival of hurricaneFlorence the category 4 storm isexpected to make landfall tomorrow orFriday more than 1. 5 million Carolinaresidents are being evacuated anddealers are planning accordingly Robertglazierpresident of the North CarolinaAutomobile Dealers Association sayingquote we’re telling them first andforemost make sure your employees staysafe second from a facility point ofview is just be smart he says that meanstaking computers off the floor in floodprone areas and putting new vehicleinventory in secured locations for moreon how dealers are bracing for the stormcheck out our website Auto news. comis unmistakable the US InternationalTrade Commission says it will launch aninvestigation into an off-road utilityvehicle produced by India’s Mahindra andMahindra this following a complaint lastmonth by Fiat Chrysler automobiles FCAsays Mahendra’s rocks or infringes uponthe jeep design Chinese electric vehiclestartup neo has priced its sharesnear the bottom of its targeted pricerange in its u. s. initial publicoffering sources tell Reuters thatTesla’s struggles are weighing down theprospects of other companies looking todevelop mass-market electric cars neoselling 160 million American DepositaryShares at 6 dollars and 26 cents apiecethe shares are set to trade on the newyork stock exchange mercedes offering afirst look at its redesigned 2020 g lemidsize crossover the vehicle boasts aroomier interior a range of engines ahi-tech all-wheel-drive system and asuite of semi-autonomous technologies itwill make its debut at the Paris AutoShow in October and go on sale in the USnext year pricing was not disclosedGeneral Motors is recalling more than230,000 vehicles in the US and Canadabecause of an issue with the brakesystem here’s a list of the affectedmodels gas from a defective piston canbe released into the vehicles brakesystem affecting rear brake performanceand increasing the risk of a crash andDonald Pinos has died at the age of 83Pano’s was a Grand Prix racetrack tycoonand a pharmaceuticals entrepreneurfamous for developing the transdermalpatch in the auto world he madeheadlines for backing the wet shapedDeltaWing race car then suing Nissanwhen it developed a similar shapedvehicle called the play gliderPano’s died Tuesday at his home inDuluth Georgia after battling pancreaticcancer read more on his life andachievements here at Auto news. com nowcheck this out parts and future vehiclescould be made by HP yep we’re talkingabout the maker of printers and personalcomputers the printing process starts byspreading a layer of metal powder thenHP binding agent is jetted at preciselocations onto the powder bed thecompany revealed on Monday its firstprinter that can turn out metal partswhile 3d metal printing already existsHP says it’s metal jet printer can makemore parts at a significantly lower costthan others one early adopter of thetechnology Volkswagen specificallyengineering firm GKN is using HP systemto produce parts for VW initial pieceswill be customizable cosmetic parts suchas car key rings in the future we couldsee 3d printed gearshift knobs andmirror mounts and a long-term goalhere’s VW’s head of technology planningand development martin godareal intention to make use of thistechnology in structural parts in ourplatforms Goethe says the tech allowsfor design freedomtoolless production and lighter partsbut as bloomberg reports at very highvolume other manufacturing methods aremore economical still HP says the metaljet printer is one of its best shots tobolster its future it’s also partneringwith the medical industryand that is our time for today rememberAuto news. com has your auto industryupdate 24/7take care

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