Wednesday 19 September 2018

Trump Rebuffs EU Offer To Scrap Car Tariffs…..Automotive News TV/Car News/First Shift

it’s Friday August 31st glad you couldjoin us coming up a long look atLincoln’s lineup but we’ll begin withyour morning headlines u. s. presidentDonald Trump is rejecting a EuropeanUnion offer to scrap terrace on carsthe president instead comparing theblocks trade policies to those of Chinawhere he’s engaged in another escalatingtrade war Trump’s comments came justhours after EU trade commissionerCecilia malmström said this to EUlegislators we are willing to bring downeven mr. Joss most our car Chaves tozero OhTerrace to zero if the US does the samebut in a White House interview withBloomberg News Trump said the offer wasnot good enough because they do a lotmore auto business than we will ever doin other words well first of all it’ssuch as tariffs they also have barriersup to our car say about that they’lltake the barriers down and they’llcharge us no tax but it’s not goodenough because they will always sellmore cars their cars their habits theirconsumer habits are to buying their carsnot to buying our carsTrump saying the EU is quote almost asbad as China just smaller the presidenthas ordered the Commerce Department toinvestigate whether light vehicleimports imperil national security andhas indicated he could impose tariffs ofas much as 25 percent on the foreignmade autos Nissan is recalling about 166thousand vehicles in North America aproblem with the ignition switch couldcause the engine to shut off duringdriving here’s a list of the affectedmodels most of the vehicles beingrecalled are in the u. s. Nissan isasking drivers to immediately remove allobjects such as additional keys and keychains from the ignition key ring adisclosure notice posted on a TransportCanada website echoes some of thelanguage used by General Motors indescribing the issue surrounding its2014ignition switch recall crisis no word ifthe Nissan problem has led to anycrashes injuries or fatalities lift issaid to have started the process for aninitial public offering this in aneffort to beat uber to the publicmarkets sources tell Bloomberg theride-hailing company has hired IPOadvisor Class V group and is targeting alisting in March or April lyft says itwon’t comment on rumors or speculationGeneral Motors by the way has investedfive hundred million dollars in lyft abill that would change California’sdealer franchise law is one step closerto passage the state Senate approved themeasure Wednesday night it now awaits avote of the state assembly the billcontains provisions that the Californianew car dealers association says wouldaddress quote inappropriate treatment ofdealers by manufacturers among thetopics dealer factory competitionwarranty reimbursement facilitiesmandates and performance standards andincentives finally General Motorsadorning its global headquarters inDetroit with pink lights Thursday inhonor of singer Aretha Franklin Franklinpaid tribute to the Motor City with hersong and music video freeway of lovewhich features this famous refrainFranklin died August 16th scores of pinkCadillacs are lining the streets outsidea Detroit church for her funeral laterthis morning yesterday we looked atFord’s future products today we turn toFord’s luxury brand Lincoln and it’s afamiliar theme in emphasis on utilitiesthe fresh and Nautilus formerly known asthe MKXwill debut this year it will be due fora redesign in 2022 also getting a namechange the MKC compact crossover it willbe named Corsair when it gets a redesignin the second half of 2019 the three rowaviator crossover will debut then – itwill include gasoline and plug-in hybridoptionsmeantime Lincoln’s flagship sedan theContinental is said to be freshened in2020 but it’s unclear whether thenameplate will see a second generationUS sales of the car have plummeted theNavigator SUV however is helping Lincolnwith its sales momentum it’s slated fora freshening in 2021 that will include ahybrid option finally Lincoln couldintroduce a long-range battery electriccrossover in 2022 the brand is aiming toreach 300,000 global sales by the end ofthe decade and we’ve reached the end ofour show we’ll be off on Monday forLabor Day we hope you enjoy the longweekendtake careyou

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