Sunday 30 September 2018

Can We Make It to O’Hare Airport Hands-Free in the Cadillac CT6? —

Google Maps is currently telling me it’s going to take 25 minutes to get toO’Hare Airport from our downtown Chicago studio now it could easily be doublethat in peak commuting traffic and that is just an awful drive okay like theyhave an answer for that though with this hands-free super cruise it’s an adaptivecruise control system that on highways and interstates lets you go hands-freenow we’re gonna put that to the test on ninety eight ninety four from Chicago toO’Hare Airport and see if we can go the distance hands-free so as we get ontothe expressway activating super cruise is not as easy as it could be there’s alittle gray light that pops up in the dashboard or in the instrument clusterand the car has to be on the center line of the road for that to appear it’s notalways easy to see the little gray icon because the steering wheel might evenblock it depending on your driving position it would have been very nice tohave that in the head-up display of the ct6 but it’s not the case it takes alittle work to identify when super cruise is ready and so now we’re on theexpressway and we are going to wait for it to pop up and let’s get this show onthe road all right super cruise is active and we’re good we are hands-freethe steering wheel has illuminated and it’s green little light so it is tellingme that super cruise is active and I am gonna turn the adaptive cruisecontrol up to 65 miles an hour and we’re goldenso at mile marker 1. 1 we’ve started super cruise so let’s see how far we canget what super cruise does exceptionally well is it holds its position in thelane better than other systems at least in my experience on these roads it holdsthat center position in the road better than Tesla’s autopilot and Volvo’s pilotassist the big downside is it only works on certain roads on those pre-programmedpre scanned roads it’s not going to work on a two-lane highway without a centerdivider or one of the other many many thousands of miles of roads that aren’tprogrammed into the super cruiser system that’s unlike Tesla’s autopilot orVolvo’s pilot assist that will work on almost any road as long as there arelane markings and the cameras can read where the car is but this is certainlyan impressive system when it does work one of the ways that super cruise allowspeople to go hands-free and for them to actually recommend it is it uses adriver facing infrared camera and it’s looking at head position who superCruise has been disengaged so the red light on the steering wheelstarted barking at me saying supercruise is going to and disengage so I am goingto reactivate super curse and again I try to reactivate it and it tells meit’s going to disengage now I’ve lost the super cruise icon all together I amgonna try and change lanes so I can use the turn signal to change lanes it kindof thinks about it while you’re changing lanes and then when you’re back in thelane it reactivates super curse it doesn’t work like Tesla’s autopilotwhere you flip the turn signal and it will change lanes automatically we arecoming up to a split in the highway where 94 goes north and 90 goes west I’mcurious to see how it’s gonna handle if it’s gonna keep me in the lane to go to90 west out toward the airport or if it’s gonna disengageas you can see supercruise does a pretty good job of moving with the roadcurvature so it is steering on this slightly curvy highway there is a pointthough where there can be too much steering angle in it will turn itselfoff so the warning systems first if it senses you’re not paying attention thelittle green light will start flashing at you you know hey pay attention if itgoes a little further it will say it’ll start flashing red and it’s like okaywhat’s going on here we’re gonna turn this off and you thinkabout what you did wrong and then the last alert is all right party’s overthat’s it it will turn it off it’ll have an audible voice saying please payattention and then it will automatically slow the car down to a stop and if youstill haven’t responded it will call on stars emergency services okay so we’reapproaching the interchange here we’re 90 west and 94 West split and it turneditself off and a trucks trying to kill mecoolso yeah it disengaged and now there’s no supercruise icon so we’re gonna splitoff on 290 West here and hopefully let’s seeall right super pers is backand it’s off and we’re back on supercruise is engaged hands are off thesteering wheel we are paying attention still it feels very natural like a humanis driving there’s not a lot of jerky moments and it doesn’t ping-pong betweenthe lanes either like some other systems it does a really good job even whenwe’re next to a truck where it wants to suck you in or in heavy winds it’scorrecting very well in keeping the car on the center of the road so we’recruising about 65 miles an hour now we’re coming to traffic slowed down sowe will see if it keeps it active during this slow period too and yeah if we’rechugging along at 16 miles an hour supercruise still active no hand onsteering wheel requirement this is pretty nice if you had to do thiscommute often this would be a great system this also really makes on cameradialogue easier because I talk with my hands we made it to O’Hare not totallyhands-free but some of that was by design where the highway split but whenit is working it works really well it’s one of the better next-level adaptivecruise controls out there with just how well it centers the car in its lane andhow smooth and comfortable it makes you feel when the feature is active two ofits biggest snacks though are that it only works on certain highways and ifyou don’t live around them then what’s the point and – right now it’s onlyavailable on the CT 6a sedan that we’re not especially enamored with but ifyou’re looking at the CT six and you’ll live where there are roads wheresupercruise works then it’s a no brainer you got to get ityouyou

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