Saturday 29 September 2018

2018 BMW M5 Review —

if you’re not used to seeingexorbitantly priced BMWs then $130,000as tested price of this 2018 m5 may giveyou heart palpitations but it shouldn’tthat’s very similarly priced tocompetitors in other super sedans likethe Mercedes Benz AMG c63 and a superhatchback like the Audi rs7 but stillwhat does $130,000 gets you five andwhat does it do for that much money whenwe spend a week driving the m5 to findout the m5 starts at one hundred andfour thousand dollars with destinationand gas guzzler tax ours just has$25,000 worth of optional equipment onething you won’t have to pay extra forthough is this Marina Bay metallic bluepaint and it is a head-turner it’s whatmade this m5 stand out we got a bunch ofthumbs ups and they do nice carand a lot of that is because of thiscolor it has this depth in metallicshine to it in the daylight that I don’tthink you’d get the same response if itwere silver black or white now for thegood stuff the 600 horsepower under thehood of the new m5 and this 600horsepower is perhaps the most refinedway 600 horsepower has ever beendelivered it’s smooth its linear andthere’s no such thing as turbo lag inthis car and with the standard all-wheeldrive you have 0 to 60 in 3. 2 secondsyes it’s smooth and luxurious butthere’s there’s still something missingit feels restraint it’s like BMWs at theend of the night and it’s tie is stillright up there under its collar itdoesn’t really feel like it’s let loose100% and honestly I think a lot of thathas to do with the exhaust somethingthat’s easily changeable after you buytheas its it’s a Porsche Panamera P 63 AMGthey have this booming loud exhaust whenyou change into those optional modes theBMW just doesn’t have that effect and Ithink it’s where the m5 goes turned upvery BMW wish but I think I’d like tohave that option just to take it upanother notch there are an overwhelmingthan good ways to control that 600horsepower there are individual settingsfor engine throttle sensitivitysuspension firmness steering firmnesstransmission programming stabilitycontrol and new for 2018 you can evenadjust the new all-wheel drive systemnow that all-wheel drive previous m5didn’t have it was real wall drive onlyand the automatic transmission that’sadjustable here well that’s your onlytransmission choice for 2018 the manualtransmission option is gone and honestlyI’m glad to see that because that oldmanual transmission did not improve howthe m5 drove it was just the sloppymanual transmission experience and thisnew automatic is very very good but thatall-wheel drive you can choose two-wheeldrive all wheel drive or a sportall-wheel drive option so each one ofthese modes you have three engineoptions three suspension options threesteering options three transmissionoptions three all-wheel drive optionsmultiple stability control systemoptions and exhaust option overwhelmingit’s exactly what this is so BMWsimplifies that and perhaps the best wayout of any of these super sedans andthat’s with the m1 and m2 buttons on thesteering wheelthese are programmable buttons and youcan set them up so m1 is strictlycomfort this has the softest suspensionsetting the fishing engine setting theleast offensive transmission mode andthen all-wheel drive and who can be setup for exactly the opposite so you haveaggressive engine the firmest suspensionthe firm is steering option and twowheel drive which and two wheel driveyou have to turn off the stabilitysystem and by having it programmed in m2it’s already done so you have one buttonfor m1 and onefor em – and that’s how I drove the m5in the m1 button how I have it set upand its most relaxed efficient drivingthis drives like a normal 5 Seriesit really does it’s very hard to tellthere’s 600 horsepower in m2and with rear-wheel drive it is acompletely different vehiclebut I’m not totally convinced there’s abig difference between 2 wheel drive andfour wheel drive on this car it doesn’tmagically take away the weight that theall-wheel drive adds and there’s still alot of mass on the front end of this carit’s very hard to tell the differenceunless you’re driving at the limit so ifyou have access to a drift pet or on theracetrack I’m sure that two-wheel drivesetting will let you get much moresquirrelly than with the all-wheel drivebut for just tooling around town andtaking some curvy roads I didn’t noticea big difference between the 2 wheeldrive and the all-wheel drive on thiscar so where is the extra 25 thousanddollar spent on this car well you’relooking at about 10 thousand of it righthere with the optional carbon ceramicbrakes that are 8500 and the 706 mwheels and 20-inch summer tires that are$1,300 now these carbon ceramic brakesif you’re spending a lot of time on theracetrack you know get these but ifyou’re not there squeaky they’re grabbyeven when they’re hot and I’m not surethat the weight savingsrotational mass is really worth it whenyou’re pulling up to of valet and theirbrakes are squeaking and you have toexplain to everybody who’s sittingoutside having a nice meal why you’revery pretty car is making all of theseawful noises do people care what carbonceramic brakes are probably not so it’san option you probably want to skip onthis one if you’re not doing a lot ofheavy-duty track driving other packagesthat rack up the bill on the m5 are notunique to them five at all they’reavailable on the regular five seriesthat includes the driving assistanceplus package for seventeen hundreddollars with active driving assistanceplus now if you plan to spend any amountof time in the car on the road justregular commuting or a road trip hereand there then consider getting thatpackage it has BMW semi autonomousdriving features and while you do haveto have your hand on the wheel it’sgonna hold the car in its lane it’sgonna stop and go semi autonomous Lee intraffic and is really just a greatassist to have for $4,000 the executivepackage gives you soft clothes automaticdoors rear sunshades front ventilatedseats front and rear heated seats fourzone climate control front massagingseats parking assistance plus wirelesscharging Wi-Fi hotspot’ enhanced USB andbluetooth active participants controlrear view camera but what’s really gonnaimpress people in the car out of theexecutive package is the surround viewwith 3d viewthere are numerous cameras around thecar and you can have this 360 degreeview at ground level what’s around thecar it’s useful and it’s one of thosegee-whiz features the last two bigticket items on this option sheet arethe $3,400 Bowers & Wilkins sound systemand the $2,500 M drivers package now itsounds like a package you would wantright M drivers package got to give mebetter steering better tires optionalsway bars but there’s no hardware at allthe M drivers package is actually aone-day drivers training course througha BMW facility and it raises the topspeed from 155 miles an hour to 178miles an hour honestly I think you canskip that package too for drivertraining you don’t find a road coursearound your area that has highperformance driving days there arealmost always instructors there andthey’re probably not more than a fewhundred dollars and it’s for the topspeed well if you’re going to a localtrack I don’t think you’re gonna comeanywhere near that 155 mile an hourspeed limit unless your local track isCircuit of the Americas or Road Americaso while this BMW has $25,000 worth ofoptions the Bolton puts buildingstandard and it doesn’t need all ofthose options to be BMWs that a sedan

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