Wednesday 19 September 2018

Volvo Idling S.C. Plant Ahead of Hurricane Florence —-AUTOMOTIVE NEWS TV/CAR NEWS/First Shift

it’s good to see you on this TuesdaySeptember 11th I’m Jennifer Vaughn a kiamodel shares the runway with fashionmodels stay tuned for that story justafter these headlinesVolvo will temporarily idle itsbrand-new car factory in South Carolinawith the approach of hurricane FlorenceSouth Carolina Governor Henry McMasterhas ordered evacuations of the state’sentire coastline including the areaaround Volvo’s Factory the category 4storm is expected to make landfall lateThursday or early Fridaysomewhere between Charleston SouthCarolina and Norfolk Virginia theCarolinas are home to BMWs biggestassembly plant as well as factorieswhere Daimler units build mercedes-benzvans freightliner Trucksand Thomas Built buses representativesfor the German manufacturers say theyare monitoring the situationyes PN is starting his 13th season ofMonday Night Football with an all-newhalf time concept the network workingwith luxury brand Genesis to introduce amusical element to the halftime showsingers boys to men and Tori Kellykicked off the Performance Series at theLyons New York Jets game in Detroityesterday with a tribute to the lateAretha Franklin Hyundai’s Genesis isrepresented through a number of brandingelements including on-screen graphicsand desk signage Elon Musk’s efforts tostreamline production at Tesla havegotten down to the paint work asbloomberg reports on Wednesday theelectric car maker will ditch two ofseven colors offered to buyers tosimplify manufacturing musk announcingon Twitter that obsidian black andmetallic silver will only be availableby special request and will cost more ina separate tweet he shared a picture ofred paint being used at Tesla’sCalifornia factory Japan’s a renaissanceElectronics is buying a fellow chipmaker california-based integrated devicetechnology for 6. 7 billion dollars thisis Renaissance’s second majoracquisition as it deepens its push intosemiconductorfor self-driving cars Daimler isdeveloping in autonomous electricvehicle that can switch between a peoplecarrier and a delivery van the visionEarvin etiquette concept consists of achassis with two modules a cargo versionand an egg-shaped minibus that can seatas many as 12 the modules can beswitched in less than two minutesand the all-electric each run crossoverwe’ll be out ease first vehicle tolaunch with integrated toll paymenttechnology the toll module is atransponder built into the rearviewmirror it allows drivers to pay foraccess to select toll roads in the USand Canada mirror supplier Gentexdeveloped the module the e-tron isslated to make its global debut nextweek in San Francisco and hit showroomsin the first part of 2019 the 2020 keyItalia ride was among the models on therunway at New York Fashion Weekthe brand revealing a dressed-upproduction version of the Telluride atdesigner Brandon Maxwell’s fashion showon Saturday this one-of-a-kind versionwas influenced by Maxwell’s latest Texasinspired runway collection the all-newcrossover was first introduced as aconcept at the 2016 Detroit Auto Showthe production model is scheduled toarrive in showrooms in early 2019 andwhen it does the Telluride will be thebiggest kia crossovers since the Borregowas dropped and it will be the fourthcrossover in Kia’s US lineup the marketfor large 3-row crossover z’ has grownat twelve point four percent this yearoutpacing the overall markets growth of1. 1 percent finally a first shiftfootnote this is a very early prototypeof a special safety blanket that’s rightVolvo is working on a patent for asolution that will keep passengers safeeven as they sleep in their self-drivingcars the car maker says the futurerestraining system works like the threepoint safety belt it will hold asleeping person in place if anautonomous vehicle is involved in anaccident Volvo of course revolutionizedcar safety with a three-point seatbeltwhich made its debut in 1959 thanks somuch for watching today’s newscast besure to follow us on Twitter at firstunderscore show take care

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