Saturday 1 September 2018

Tesla’s Latest Stunt is Out Of This World …Automotive News TV/CAR NEWS / Auto News

thanks for joining us on this Wednesday morning i’m jennifer bong coming upsubaru gets a little help from its friends but let’s begin with your topnews stories kia may have scored some kudos in lexus attracted eyeballs withSuperbowl ads on Sunday but as Bloomberg says no Auto brand has pulled off apublicity stunt quite like the one Tesla just managed Ilan mas very own cherryred Tesla Roadster was the payload as the Falcon heavy rocket from us SpaceXventure launched for the first time the car floating through space to the shearsof a crowd and David Bowie’s life on Mars this at the end of a 43 minutewebcast that drew millions of viewers their car making the cover of today’sNew York Post with the headline car Trek musk outfitted his roadster with camerasto capture views of the car in orbit behind the wheel was star man clad inthe same spacesuit that astronauts will wear during SpaceX flights to theInternational Space Station a live stream of star man on YouTube drawingmore than 7 million views you can tell it’s real because it looksso fake honestly musk telling a news conference that the whole thing seemssurreal to him musk adding quote crazy things can come true this may bring muskdown to earth alittle Tesla is due to release its fourth-quarter earningsafter the stock market closes today we’ll bring you the results onThursday’s newscast the last of four people charged in connection to the UAWfiat-chrysler corruption scandal pleaded guilty to x’ day to one of five chargesMonica Morgan the widow of former UAW vice president general Holyfieldpleading guilty to one count of subscribing to a false tax returnsentencing is scheduled for June 4th Morgan faces a mansome of 27 months in prison former uber CEO Travis kalanick making his firstpublic comments on allegations that uber stole its self-driving car technologyfrom way mo Callen ik testifying that delays and ubers self-driving cardevelopment led him to hire a star engineer from way mo he said he begannegotiations with Anthony Levin dusky y11 douse key was still working forwhammo on the witness stand Callen ik acknowledged that he was aquote big fan of lovin douse keys lawyers for way mo are expected tofurther question Callen ik today in other news Mazda says its quarterlyprofit more than doubled to 280 million dollars a weaker yen and lower costsoffset weaker sales in North America and Chinese ride-hailing giant diddy juicingis setting up an electric car sharing service with 12 automakers includinglocal partners of Ford it seems subaru can do no wrong in the u. s. the companyis currently riding a streak of 74 monthly year-over-year increases onepotential weakness though is a lack of electrified vehicles but the automakeris diving into that arena this year with the u. s. launch of a plug-in hybrid afull Eevee will be offered in 2021 and as our Hans grime all reports Subaru isrelying on its friends to help bring those vehicles to market subaru has along-standing partnership with Toyota which owns 17% of the smaller car makerin fact Subarus plug-in hybrid will pull largely from the Toyota Prius primesystem meantime subaru has joined a new Eevee venture members include ToyotaMazda and Suzuki while Subaru has an in-house electrification teampartnerships are crucial as the automaker rushes to comply withemissions regulations now to the Philippines in this firstshift freeze-frame and for you car lovers you might want to close your eyesmore than two dozen luxury cars in the country were crushed on Tuesdayaccording to Reuters the smuggled vehicles which include used Lexus BMWand Jaguar models were worth a total of 1. 2 million dollars the demolitionshowcasing the Philippines Presidents crackdown on crime and corruptionfinally a quick birthday to note turning 69 today is auto nation CEO Mike Jacksonthat is our time for today keep it here on our website for breaking news 24/7take careyou

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