Monday 30 July 2018

Audi Fiat Chrysler’s Quality Conundrum !!.. / Automotive News TV /new car/ CAR NEWS

the Chrysler conundrum welcome to a Monday edition of the newscast when youpull up Chrysler comm and look under vehicles well it’s pretty slim pickinsyou have the 2017 200 midsize sedan which isn’t built anymore the aging 300full-size sedan and gasoline and hybrid offerings of the new Pacific a minivanthose are just a few reasons why Volkswagens luxury marque outtie with 92months of year-over-year growth outsold Chrysler brand in the first half of 2017in the u. s. one hundred two thousand nine hundred seventy one sales for Audi100 two thousand ninety five for Chrysler so let’s say Chrysler brandsells that many vehicles in the second half you are looking at roughly twohundred four thousand units for all of seventeen a far cry from Chrysler brandspeak sales here in the US 2005 with more than six hundred forty nine thousandsales nearly eight times more than what out he sold that year and informationfrom the automotive news data center and look at the seven chrysler name platesback in oh five the three hundred concorde crossfireyou also had the wagon version of the Pacifica PT Cruiser Sebring and Town andCountry minivan so what’s next for Chrysler brandthere’s Fiat Chrysler beat reporter Larry Valiquette the future the Chryslerbrand is really is really dependent on who you ask and win if you go back tothe 2014 Chrysler five year business plan at this point we should have a halfa dozen Chrysler’s on dealer lots right now they’re not here yet because a lotof those vehicles have those planned vehicles and the refreshes have beeneither killed like the Chrysler 200 and the Chrysler 100 sedans or delayed soright now it’s a wait-and-see program one thing is certain on the Chryslermarketing front the mark announcing today that it is a sponsor of SesameStreet the move includes new original content on Chrysler’s digital platformslook for lots of videos featuring the kid-friendly Pacifica minivan Hyundai isusing the conus subcompact crossover to introduce a new design language for itsCu V’s the heart of the new look is in the models front fascia specifically thenarrow LED daytime running lights mounted high near the hood line followedby another set of headlights below the kkona arrives stateside next yearmeantime spy photos of the 2019 Santa Fe sport that’s also due next yearshow a similar headlight setup and grill but Hyundai designers tell our Davidunder Koffler that despite the updated styling they still aim to give eachnameplate a more distinctive look a Ford Fusion weighs about 3400 pounds but 15of the mid-sized cars discovered at Ohio and Pennsylvania dealerships wereheavier collectively by 400 pounds or about 635 kilos the reason about amillion dollars worth of marijuana the contraband payload was discovered by aservice department employee at a dealership in Ohio’s Portage County theweed was pressed into the car’s spare tire compartment authorities thendiscovered more packages of pot infusions in other dealerships inNortheast Ohio and one in Pennsylvania the Drug Enforcement Agency says thecars were shipped from Mexico back in Aprilhe’s the highest-paid auto CEO in the u. s. he’s hailed as a visionary andtechnology genius but being Elon Musk is not without its pressures check out thisexchange between the Tesla CEO in Kentucky governor Matt Bevin Bevin askedmusk about Tesla’s 50 billion dollar plus market valuation some say it’s toohigh given Tesla’s financial performance doyou feel a concern ever that your intellect in your intellectual curiosityand your ingenuity cannot be matched by those that are trying to commercializeit does that ever affect how you think or decisions that you make musk said youtries to tamp down expectations in fact I’ve on a record several timesis saying that the stock price is higher than we have any right to deserve hesaid the price now more than $300 a share reflects optimism about whereTessa will be in the future then came this personal revelation now the thingthat makes that they’re quite a difficult emotional hardship for me isthat you know those expectations sometimes get out of out of control andI like I hate disappointing people and so I’m like trying real hard to meetthose expectations but that’s a pretty tall order and a lot of times real notreally not fun he spoke at a National Governors Association meeting Saturdayin Providence thanks so much for watching everyone we’ll see you rightback here tomorrow

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