Wednesday 25 July 2018

Mileage Rollback Plan Near Release ****-Automotive News TV/CAR NEWS / Auto News/First Shift

hello and welcome to Friday’s first shift I’m Jennifer Fongcoming up a stress-free ride through the streets of New York that story is comingup but first Chyna Haley is in a newsroom with your headlines thanksJennifer the Trump administration is said to bepreparing proposals for release as early as next week that will weaken Obamaadministration fuel economy standards a source tells Bloomberg the EnvironmentalProtection Agency and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administrationwill offer several options to pare back the current rules and they willrecommend freezing mileage standards from model years 2020 through 2026 andaccording to the source Nitz ha’s proposal will say a 1975 lawprohibits California from setting its own vehicle efficiency standardspresident Donald Trump’s choice to lead the Bureau of Consumer FinancialProtection faced aggressive questioning bylawmakers on Thursday but Cathy croninger appears on track to secure aconfirmation vote as soon as this month there were heated exchanges in theSenate Banking Committee hearing Democratic lawmakers questioned whetherKran enger’ who is a senior official at the White House’s Office of Managementand Budget has relevant experience to lead the financial watchdog agencyMassachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren even grilling kranj injure over her rolein the administration’s zero-tolerance immigration policy but GOP senatorspointed to the nominees strong government managerial experienceRepublicans say the be CFP which Warren helped create has overstepped its legalstatute they are hoping to install a nominee who will rein it in turning toother news actor Mark Wahlberg is known for both hit movies and hisentrepreneurial efforts in the restaurant and nutrition supplementindustries now he’s getting into the car business Wahlberg has teamed up withfriend and longtime Chevrolet dealer Jay Feldman to buy a chevy dealership inColumbus Ohio in a deal that closed Thursday the pair bought Bobby laymanChevrolet and renamed it Mark Wahlberg starFeldman says he and Wahlberg may add other dealerships in the market finallythe automotive Hall of Fame honoring its 2018 inductees last night in Detroitjoining the Hall AutoNation chairman Mike Jackson Magna founder FrankStronach ray Malley Otzi and his late brother Tom co-hosts of National PublicRadio’s Car Talk and Toyota founder kiichi ro Toyota we’ll have much morefrom the ceremony tomorrow morning on weekend Drive Jennifer back to youThank You China reassuringly boring that’s how one writer described hisrecent trip through Times Square in a self-driving shuttle Tuesday’sdemonstration was put on by coast autonomous a driverless mobility companybased in Pasadena California while lots of money and lots of media attention arebeing spent on autonomous personal vehicles such as cars and minivansself-driving shuttles are already on the streets in various citiesat the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor for instance driverless shuttlesstarted operating on campus in June the university’s autonomous vehicle testingcenter em City launching the buses for a one-yearperiod to collect data in downtown Detroit may mobility deployed inautonomous fleet last month to carry employees of property management firmbedrock to and from a parking garage May is a startup backed by Toyota and BMWApple is said to be partnering with Volkswagen on self-driving employeeshuttles even triple-a is sponsoring a self-driving shuttle in Las Vegas andDaimler plans to offer shuttles in California next year as bloombergreports many sees simple shuttles as a better baby step into the autonomousfuture than self-driving cars Gartner analyst Mike Ramsay calls slow movingsimple routes and non complex environments the ideal path to autonomyRamzi adding quote the slower the speed the less chance of a catastrophic errorwith people or robots now remember you can get up to speed on the latest in theindustry here at Auto news. com have a great weekend we’ll see you back here onMonday

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