Sunday 29 July 2018

Mazda Warns Tariffs Will Raise Prices .. Automotive News TV/CAR NEWS / Auto News/First Shift

it’s great to see you on this Friday morning I’m Jennifer Fong coming upbatteries get a new lease on life but now your morning headlines Mazda hasbecome the latest auto company to condemn the Trump administration’spotential tariffs on imported cars the Japanese manufacturers u. s. unit urgingthe Commerce Department to quote reject the premise that auto imports are athreat to national security Mazda adding a tariff is a tax and it will be paid byAmerican consumers it will significantly increase the cost of every new vehiclesold in America regardless of where it is built meantime the association ofglobal automakers is calling the potential duties the greatest threat tothe US automotive industry at this time that report from Bloomberg also weighingin on tariffs the American International Automobile Dealers Association in itscomments to the Commerce Department the group focuses on the economic impactthat international nameplate dealers have in the u. s. it also details thepotential economic harm 25% tariffs could cause leaders of the EuropeanUnion are signaling their readiness to retaliate should the US escalate a tradewar by adding tariffs on cars and auto parts the leaders releasing a statementearly today saying quote the EU must respond to all actions of a clearprotectionist nature meantime Canada is preparing to impose tariffs on nearly 15billion dollars of US imports in response to US levies on Canadian steeland aluminum which went into effect a month agothe final tariffs list is scheduled to be released later this morning alongwith measures to support the domestic steel sector for months there’s beenspeculation that the Detroit Auto Show will move from its traditional Januarydate to either October or June starting in 2020on July 24th the Detroit Auto Dealers Association will announce its decisionon Thursday the group released a short teaser video it features a rendering ofa reimagined Cobo Center including outdoor test tracks and vehicle displaysshow organizers are hoping to stop a stream of automakers that have announcedthey’re pulling out they also want to modernize the event this as the industryevolves and embraces new forms of mobility General Motors is expanding theprice range of the redesigned 2019 Chevrolet Silverado it’s lowering thestarting price of several entry-level models and increasing pricing on somehigh-end trims for instance the starting price of a 2019 Silverado work truckwill decrease by four hundred dollars to twenty nine thousand seven hundredninety five including shipping while the LTZ will increase by seven hundreddollars to forty four thousand four hundred ninety five the Silverado isexpected to begin arriving in dealerships this fall alongside its GMCSierra’s sibling and in other news GM has cut the time needed to recharge the2019 Chevrolet Volt plug-in hybrid nearly in half by doubling the kilowattcapacity of the cars charging system GM says the new 7. 2 kilowatt chargingsystem reduces the charging time from roughly four point five hours to twopoint three hours with a 240 volt outlet from 711s to charging stations to homeenergy storage units those are some of the places automakers and othercompanies are reusing batteries from hybrid and electric vehicles asbloomberg reports finding ways to give batteries a second life is becoming moreurgentaccording to data from Bloomberg New Energy Finance the global stock pile ofevey batteries is forecast to exceed the equivalent of about 3. 4 million packs by2025 that’s compared with about 55,000 this year General Motors BMW and Toyotaare among those trying to create an aftermarket for used batteries and keepthem out of landfills Toyota for example will install retired batteries outside7-eleven stores in Japan next year according to Bloomberg lithium-ion carand bus batteries can collect and discharge electricity for another 7 to10 years after being taken off the roads and stripped from the chassis and thatis our time for today remember you can follow us on Twitter at first underscoreshift enjoy your weekend we’ll catch you back here Monday morning

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