Thursday 26 July 2018

China U.S. Starts ‘largest-Scale Trade War’ in History… Automotive News TV/CAR NEWS / Auto News

thanks for joining us on this Friday edition of first shift I’m Jennifer bonglater we talk dashboard and dealership designs but first up your morningheadlines we’ll have the latest on IPA chief scott pruettresigning in just a moment but first the us-china trade conflict continues toescalate and the auto industry is caught in the middle this as US tariffs onthirty four billion dollars in Chinese imports including Auto Parts took effectas a deadline passed on Friday China said it was forced to retaliatemeaning 34 billion dollars worth of imported u. s. goods also faced 25%tariffs but that number is significantly higher for automobiles china plans tohike tariffs on US light vehicle imports to 40% from 15 percent the duties willhave a disproportionate impact on major US vehicle exporters such asmercedes-benz BMW Ford and Tesla sources tell Reuters some Chinese ports delayedclearing goods from the US on Friday China’s commerce ministry says the u. s. quote initiated the largest-scale trade war in economic history and the battlemay get bigger president Donald Trump warned Thursday that the US mayultimately target more than 500 billion dollars worth of Chinese goods orroughly the total amount of US imports from China last year as we’ve reportedTrump has threatened 25% tariffs on imported vehicles and automakers arescrambling to ship vehicles to u. s. to preempt possible higher duties data froma number of US ports show a surge in vehicle exports and imports in May theUS ports of Baltimore Jacksonville Florida and Brunswick Georgia are thethree leading US ports for importing automobiles in May those ports unloadeda combined 23,000 more light vehicles thandid a year earlier meanwhile auto exports out of Baltimore in Jacksonvillein May roads 39 percent and 19 percent respectively we have done a tremendousamount as a country to achieve reductions in co2 embattled EPAAdministrator Scott Pruett has resigned following months of damaging revelationsabout his conduct in office and allegations of ethical lapses Trumpannounced the move in a Twitter post Thursday afternoon he added quote withinthe agency Scott has done an outstanding job and I will always be thankful to himfor this Pruett led the charge to scale back Obama era fuel economy standardsfor light vehicles his deputy Andrew wheeler now takes over as ActingAdministrator Pruitt was aggressive on the deregulatory front he worked to undoat least a dozen environmental regulations promoted by his immediatepredecessors meanwhile Pruett has been under constant fire for months overallegations of conflicts of interest wasteful spending and improper use ofauthority there are at least a dozen federal investigations into his behaviorand Nissan says it is still committed to cooperating with Daimler this followinga report that Nissan suspended joint development of a luxury compact car amidan uncertain US market outlook according to Japan’s Nikon kokyo newspaperNissan’s Infiniti brand decided to halt development of the vehicle because ofthe dramatic shift in US demand away from passenger cars and toward lighttrucks the rise of electric cars will give rise to digital dashboardsas bloomberg reports automakers are already replacing speedometers and dialswith fully digital screens but those screens will increasingly become a keyselling point as the industry moves toward V’s that’s according to Japandisplay the world’s biggest supplier of panels and carsthe company says drivers are paying more attention to the interior aestheticsthan what’s under the hood for now digital dashboards are mostly used inhigh-end cars made by automakers including outtie and mercedes-benzaccording to IHS market Japan display controlled 19% of the 6. 7 billion dollarglobal market for automotive displays last year LG Display was second with 14%from dashboard design to dealership design here’s a peek at Mitsubishi she’snew look for its 5,000 stores around the world the company aims to provide abetter customer experience in a high quality retail environment MitsubishiMotors North America says this is the first dealer visual identity update in16 years the program will take effect later this year and is based on the newbrand message drive your ambition that wraps up today’s newscast feel free tosend us any feedback or story ideas at jayvon at crane comm enjoy your weekendwe’ll see you back here on Monday you

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