Wednesday 25 July 2018

Volvo shifting XC60s for U.S. out of China******Automotive News TV/CAR NEWS / Auto News/First Shift

welcome to Thursday’s newscast I’m Jennifer Vaughn coming upthe Chevy Blazers origins we’ll we’ll begin with headlines Volvo cars saysit’s shifting xc60 SUV production for the US market to Europe from China theSwedish automaker making the move to avoid Washington’s new tariffs onChinese imports Volvo currently builds the premium midsize crossover in Swedenfor European customers and in China for other markets including the UnitedStates Volvo CEO Hakan Samuelson telling Reuters the shift has already begun thismonth the u. s. slapped 25% tariffs on thirtyfour billion dollars in Chinese imports including models such as the xc60 andthe s 90 sedan that Volvo exclusively builts there Beijing quickly retaliatedwith an increase in tariffs on US goods Volvo also releasing its second quarterfinancial results today operating profit increased 29% to 474million dollars the automaker says it’s on track for a fifth consecutive year ofrecord vehicle sales despite rising trade tensions a wide spectrum ofstakeholders in the auto industry are expected to warn the u. s. today they’reraising Auto tariffs would severely harm the industry and consumers the CommerceDepartment is holding a public hearing as it investigates whether imports ofautos and auto parts pose a national security threat opponents say apotential 25% tariff on all imported vehicles would undermine the verymanufacturing growth that the president seeks the National Automobile DealersAssociation and the association of global automakers are among those slatedto testify the European Union meantime is preparing a list of countermeasuresto potential US tariffs on European cars theannouncement from European trade commissioner Cecilia malmström so tariffmeasures on cars are neither wanted or warranted they are at best a solution insearch of a problem at worst they are an illegal move to gain leverage in tradenegotiations she says she hopes an EU visit to Washington next week will helpease tensions at a cabinet meeting Wednesday US President Donald Trump saidcars will be the big topic we said if we don’t negotiate something fair then wehave tremendous retribution which we don’t want to use but we have tremendouspowers you have to including cars cars is the big one finally Fiat Chryslerautomobiles CEO Sergio Marchionne likely will miss the automakers July 25thsecond quarter earnings call as he recovers from shoulder surgery thataccording to the Italian business website litera 43 on July 5th the sitereported that Marcy owned underwent surgery in Switzerlandyou’ll recall Chevy unveiled its 2019 blazer last month the brand resurrectingthe nameplate after its stop producing the Blazer in 2005 now here’s a fun factabout the original when Chevy developed the first Blazer in 1969 itunderestimated the vehicles success that according to Paul hitch the 101 year oldformer chief truck engineer he was profiled in Chevy’s owner’s magazine newroads we put it out for the sales departmentthey estimated they could set up 300 a year that year we sold 5000 was that thefirst blazer 69 69 hich says the company didn’t have enough tooling capacity tomake anymore and he says that it was quote one funny unusual situation we’llsee how the 2019 blazer fares when it goes on sale early next yearthe midsize crossover will be available in three trends now here’s a questionfor you ever experienced motion sickness while riding in a carwell interior supplier international automotive components group believesthat aromas may be able to halt that queasy feeling in future vehicles IAC isdeveloping smells and application processes there could help preventmotion sickness the parts maker believes fragrances such as ginseng herbal oilsand lavenders incorporated into a car’s interior could do the trickaroma commercialization could occur as early as 2030that is our time for today thanks for watching we’ll see you back here Fridaymorning

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