Sunday 29 July 2018

How Subaru found The key To U.S. Market !! Automotive News TV/CAR NEWS / Auto News/ John Cena

Goldin at 50 hi everyone ed garsten in Fatah war backon this Thursday that story in just a moment first here’s what else is makingnews John Cena has filed a motion to dismiss Ford’s lawsuit against him Fordis suing the professional wrestler turned actor for flipping his 2017 GTsupercar it says scene a broke a contract prohibiting his sale for twoyears after initial ownership Cena’s motion says the stipulationagainst reselling the vehicle was not explicitly stated in the final buyer’sagreement coming off its best US sales year subaru is showing no sign ofslowing down as it reaches its 50th anniversary of selling cars in thiscountry but as our Jack Walz worth who covers the Japanese automaker points outit didn’t seem like subaru would hang in after hitting us shores in 1968 when Ifirst came to America they were selling a small micro car called the 360 wasvery utilitarian was really made for the American marketindeed Subaru had a mixed bag of products few of which were successfuluntil the company locked on to what American drivers preferred once theyrealized that consumers really enjoy all the drive wagons that kind of becomessort of like crossovers that’s when I really started cooking because in themid 90s they introduced the Outback as a trim line on the legacy wagon which wasessentially just a raised up legacy wagon but by 95 became its own model andit’s one of a the brand sales release solidified Subaru also connected withconsumers with its 2000 what a wino ad campaign featuring tennis legend MartinaNavratilova and its 2008 love series of spots now enjoying record US sales withvehicles like the Outback Forester Crosstrek and a redesigned ImprezaSubarus sold almost six hundred forty-eight thousand vehicles last yearquite a difference from the almost 81 and it moved in 1977 a positive portentfor its next 50 years overall they’re you know they’re in great shape I thinka lot a lot of bigger brands with and smaller brands would love to be in theirshoes because they have a lot of crossovers that are selling well theyhave a very loyal consumer pace all their retailers seem to be very happy atthe moment and it appears that you know that’s the sales tricks that they haveisn’t gonna end anytime soon back now the National Highway Traffic SafetyAdministration yesterday we introduced you to knits a deputy administratorHeidi King King facing House members anxious for an update on an agency thatstill without a boss and his proposed budget has been reduced for 2018 memberssuch as New Jersey Democrat Frank pallone say they wonder if nitsa isstretched too thin to fulfill a growing list of responsibilities for ensuringvehicle safety it’s troubling that Nissa does not have the resources people orexpertise it needs to fulfill its mandate it’s also concerning that theadministration clearly does not see this agency as a priority as we’ve yet tohear about a possible nomination for the role of NASA Administrator King says thebudget reflects the resources needs and needs still some lawmakers questionedwhether Nitza has the technical experts to implement rules governing developmentof automated vehicles you say you’ve got the tools but we’re not sure you’ve gotthe resources for the tools or that we’re moving fast enough or we’re doingwhat we need to do the Trump administration has requested 899 milliondollars for Nitsa in fiscal year 2018 down from the 905 million appropriatedby Congress in 2017 the hearing not the first time this week that cars collidedwith politics GM Korea company announced today that it will cease production andclose its guns and plant in May of 2018 and they’re going to move back toDetroit you know any of these things except for the fact that Trump becamepresident president and Donald Trump using GM’s decision to close one of itsfour plants in South Korea to launch fresh criticism of the u. s. South Koreatrade agreement so they’re moving back fromin Detroit they’re moving also you saw Chrysler moving from Mexico to Michiganclarify GM did not say that it plans to move vehicle production to the US fromSouth Korea the automakers saying in a statement that the plant closing stemsfrom a need to restructure its business in South Korea as for Fiat Chrysler it’stransferring production of its next-generation heavy-duty pickups toMichigan for Mexico finally remember that FC a spot that aired during theSuper Bowl no no not that one this one it’s called anti manifesto butafter seeing it the head of fresh water conservation group Trout Unlimited sayshe’s anti anti manifesto in the spot a Jeep Wrangler is shown crossing a creeka disclaimer says the spot was shot on a man-made body of water on private landbut Trout Unlimited CEO Chris Wood says that doesn’t get Jeep off the hook heeven sent this letter to Fiat Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionneasking him to pull the spot because no one should drive up the middle of ariver or a stream because it could cause damage and endanger fish it may simplybe a case of a Jeep acting more like a fjordwell we’ve crossed the finish line for today thanks for joining us we’ll seeyou tomorrowyou

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