Thursday 26 July 2018


welcome to the newscast I’m Jennifer Vaughn coming up Mini’s big hopes forthe countrymen but now your top news stories many also leaning off our newstoday the brand’s US advertising agency has resigned ahead of the automakersupcoming creative revue Butler shine sternum Partners held the account formore than eleven years in a statement the agency’s cited financial challengescaused by parent BMWs quote aggressive cost-cutting and procurement mandatedreviews it also cited the consolidation of the media business for both BMW andmini under inter public groups um which led to a cut in staffing BMW meantimeholding its annual news conference today in Munich the German automaker says itaims to achieve record sales volume revenues and earnings this year byramping up production of highly profitable sport utility vehicles thisto help finance an overhaul of the company’s production system for fullyelectric cars BMWs electric cars have until now been built on a separate lowvolume production line last year it was Samsung Electronics agreeing to buyharman international today another electronics giant is getting deeper intothe automotive field japan’s panasonic has agreed to become majority owner ofspanish auto parts maker fee cosa international panasonic will buy anadditional 20% of fee cosa raising a stake to 69 percent the supplier hasstrengths an electronic automotive mirrors and other advanced safetysystems and Volkswagens top shareholder Porsche Automobil holding s e says itexpects a jump in profits this year as VW takes steps to overcome its dieselemissions crisis the company reporting a 2016 profit of nearly 1. 5 billiondollars reversing a 2015 loss triggered by thediesel crisis Porsche se chief executive hans-dieter pooch who’s also VW’schairman telling a news conference in Stuttgart today quote the group has setthe course for the biggest transformation in its history meantime asource tells Reuters the Porsche and piak families are looking to strike aSwift deal to buy shares and Porsche se from Volkswagens former chairmanFerdinand P ACK according to the source talks are to be completed in the comingweeks possibly before the end of March it’s the right mini at the right timethose words from minis head of product planning Patrick McKenna he is talkingabout the brand’s largest vehicle the 2017 countryman crossover it went onsale earlier this month amid a small SUV boom in the u. s. McKenna tells our AmyWilson the redesigned countryman has quote great potential to top the nameplates a record sales year of about 23,000 vehicles in 2014 he also says thecountryman should help many gain sales overall to the brand’s u. s. salesdropped 11 percent last year to 52,000 vehicles the redesigned countryman islonger wider and has a roomier cabin than its predecessor the price tag onthe base model just shy of 27,000 dollars including shipping finally youmight remember Tesla boss Elon Musk and his idea in 2013 for a Hyperloop systemthat would move passengers and freight in pods through partial vacuum tubes atnear supersonic speeds well us-based firm Hyperloop 1 has beenworking on one and it recently released this footage of its full-scale test sitein the Nevada desert as Reuters reports the firm says it will begin formaltesting in the coming months it’s also studying plans to build a system in thenighted Arab Emirates the company’s goal is to be moving cargo by 2020 andpassengers by 2021 and it’s time for us to move on out of here enjoy the rest ofyour Tuesday we’ll see you back here tomorrow morning

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