Sunday 29 July 2018

FAA Bill Could Take AVS Along For The Ride !!!Automotive News TV/CAR NEWS / Auto News/ First Shift

thanks for joining us on this Tuesday morning a record year for Ford’sf-series we’ll have that story after these headlines and we’ll start inWashington with an unusual merger of politics self-driving cars and of allthings aviation there’s an effort underway inthe US Senate to secure passage for stalled legislation governingself-driving cars by attaching it to a must-pass a reauthorization of theFederal Aviation Administration safety and consumer advocates are urgingsenators to reject the effort the AV start Act would create a framework forregulating deployment of ABS on public roadways it has strong bipartisansupport but several Democrats are holding up the bill they say that in itscurrent form it gives industry too much leeway to ignore basic safety standardswhen the technology remains unproven absent those objections the bill couldpass by unanimous consent without a vote in a letter to senators more than fivedozen groups say the AV start act deserves to be fully reviewed anddebated and have amendments because it could guide auto safety policy fordecades now a follow-up to yesterday’s lead storyTesla shears dipped as much as four percent Monday this after CEO Elon Muskcalled a British cave Explorer who had criticized him a pedophile the diverhelped rescue 12 Thai children from a flooded cave last week Tesla shares weredown 2. 8% at Monday’s clothes analysts andinvestors tell Reuters they are concerned that musk public comments aredistracting him from the company’s main business producing electric cars Fordhas agreed to pay 299 point 1 million dollars to settle consumers economicloss claims connected to Takata airbag inflator recalls the settlement wasfiled in federal court in my am Monday it reimburses consumers forout-of-pocket expenses and provides free loaners for owners or lessees who arewaiting for their airbags to be fixed the settlement will also increaseoutreach efforts to find consumers whose vehicles still have defective airbagsthat report from Bloomberg to California now a former Apple engineer charged withstealing driverless car secrets for a Chinese startup has pleaded not guiltyin federal court in San Jose we guarantee the best price on all kinds ofaccommodations booking. com and Chinese ride hailing app dd juicing has receiveda five hundred million dollar investment from US Travel firm booking Holdings thenew funds come as Diddy is expanding heavily into several new overseasmarkets where it hopes to challenge uber this year Ford might sell more bigpickups in the US than it ever has nets thanks to a blistering first half pacethrough June the automaker sold more than 450,000 of its f-series line anddespite a declining market and redesigned models from its chief rivalsFord is on pace to sell nine hundred forty-one thousand of the trucks for thefull year that would top its 2004 record of nearly nine hundred forty thousandsales as our Mike Martinez reports Ford benefited in the first half from factorsincluding strong housing starts and the trend of consumers shifting to pickupsand SUVs also helping a range of options for consumers for example Ford hasrolled out features including a 10 speed transmission a raptor performancevariant and later this year a diesel option the f-series has been thecountry’s best-selling pick up since 1977 speaking of the f-series now I’mgonna get an f-150 that’s House Speaker Paul Ryan during arecent interview at an event hosted by theClub of Washington DC upon retirement Ryan says he is getting in f-150 toreplace his Chevy Suburban after a family of woodchucks chewed up thewiring my car was eaten by animals that wraps up today’s newscast we’ll catchyou back here Wednesday morning

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