Monday 30 July 2018

Ford’s Next Fusion TO Battle Subaru Outback- Automotive News TV/ CAR NEWS / Auto News

Fusion vs. Outback thanks so much for stopping by as you know the Ford Fusionsedan will be zapped from the company’s lineup in a few years but the fusionname is expected to live on in a sport wagon that’s being developed tochallenge Subarus hot-selling outback that’s according to sources who spokewith Bloomberg the sedan will be replaced by a high roofed hatchbackbuilt on the same mechanical underpinnings as the current carAutomotive News reported last month that following dealer pressure Ford appearedreceptive to the idea of keeping the fusion named as a post 2021 crossovermeanwhile the Outback is a powerhouse it is Subarus best-selling model with salesup 5. 5 percent this year we’re learning more about Apple’s self-driving car techon Monday the u. s. charged X Apple employee shall lang Jeong with stealinga be trade secrets from the iPhone maker the feds claimed John wanted to work forChinese EB startup X Motors and booked a last-minute flight to China afterdownloading the plan for a circuit board for a self-driving car but the complaintalso provided insight into the resources Apple is pouring into AVS about 5,000employees were authorized to access information about the program John wasalso shown a quote proprietary chip that suggests Apple may be designing its ownchips for self-driving systems X Motors says it is fired John and that he didnot share sensitive Apple data President Donald Trump facing unusually bluntcriticism from within his own party one of the u. s. House’s top lawmakers isurging the President to restart negotiations to stop a costly tradebattle with China after you really Texan Kevin Brady heads the House Waysand Means Committee he’s calling on Trump to meet Chinese counterpart XiJinping and hash out an agreement to settle their trade differences bradywarning that further escalation such as the administration’s latest move to levytariffs on two hundred billion dollars of chinese goods risked a multi-yearfight quote that engulfs more and more of the globe Senate Finance ChairmanOrrin Hatch also criticizing the move saying it appears reckless and is not atargeted approach here are some questions should the police have thepower to disable self-driving cars what if a robo taxi can self-report that it’sbeen in a crash does that violate the occupants privacy and should Ami’s berequired to be accessible to all disabled people including the blindthese are just some of the legal safety and social issues that have to be workedout is companies ready AVS for public use regulators and othershave grappled with such issues at recent meetings for instance law enforcementofficials may want to be able to interact with direct or even control IVsduring emergencies but experts say the same pathways that would allow police tostop a self-driving car could be exploited by hackers or even terroristsfinally today Toyota has teamed with its Hawaiian distributor serve coke Pacificto test a new Honolulu car sharing service called Hui the program allowsusers to look at iota vehicle at the click of a button through a mobile appstarting at about 10 bucks an hour including gasoline and insurancecustomers can reserve and rent models at one of 25 parking stations forround-trip use Toyota joins Daimler’s car to go GM’s maven and others in thecar sharing space that is our time for now have a great day and we’ll see youback here tomorrow you

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